Understand the common cause of a stroke, learn more about its symptoms, the effect strokes have on your body & nervous system, and how physical therapy can help you in your recovery journey.
1. Causes for strokes
There are two types of strokes we should all be aware of. An ischemic stroke which occurs when the blood supply reaching the brain has decreased or has been blocked.
Ischemic strokes prevent brain tissue from getting oxygen and proper nutrients, so brain cells begin to die within minutes. Another common cause for strokes is when a blood vessel in the brain leaks, or bursts, and causes bleeding
inside of the brain– this is called a hemorrhagic stroke. The blood increases pressure on the brain cells, and damages them leading to a medical emergency.
2. Symptoms for strokes:
If you or someone is experiencing a stroke, pay attention to the time the symptoms began. Common symptoms for strokes include:
- Trouble speaking, and understanding what is being said. Slurred words, or not being able to comprehend speech.
- Numbness or weakness in the face, arm, or leg on one side of the body. For instance, one side of the face may drop when intending to smile.
- Blurred or blackened vision in one or both eyes. The person may also begin to see double vision.
- Severe headaches, accompanied by vomiting, dizziness, and a change in consciousness
- Lose balance or coordination while walking.
After experiencing a stroke, seek immediate medical attention even if the symptoms seem to come and go or they disappear completely. Do not wait to see if the symptoms stop, call 911 immediately!
3. Long-Term Effects on the Nervous System
Common types of effects after a stroke include:
- Impaired speech
- Weakness or paralysis of limbs on one side of the body
- Difficulty gripping or holding onto things
- Slowed ability to communicate
4. Post-Stroke Recovery
Physical therapy plays a crucial role in post-stroke rehabilitation because it addresses the motor deficits and functional impairments that often result from a stroke.
After a stroke, individuals may experience significant muscle weakness, coordination problems, and difficulty with balance, of which can severely impact their ability to perform daily activities. Fizio’s computer vision program has exercises tailored to improve muscle strength, enhance coordination, and restore patients’ balance.
By engaging in this rehabilitation program, our patients regain lost functions, improve their mobility, and increase their independence, which significantly enhances their quality of life.
This comprehensive approach not only accelerates recovery but also aids in preventing secondary complications, such as joint contractures and pressure sores, thus contributing to a more holistic and successful rehabilitation process.
Email us at [email protected] with any questions.
1. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/stroke/symptoms-causes/syc -20350113
2. https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/effects-o f-stroke#:~:text=The%20most%20common%20types%20of%20disability% 20after%20stroke%20are%20impaired,a%20slowed%20ability%20to%20co mmunicate.
3. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/stroke/in-depth/stroke-rehab ilitation/art-20045172#:~:text=Exercises%20can%20help%20improve%20m uscle,cane%2C%20wheelchair%20or%20ankle%20brace.